Teardown of 'NotPetya' Malware: Here's What We Know
A cleverly built piece of malware, based in part on previously seen Petya ransomware, continues to spread globally in an outbreak rivaling last month's WannaCry campaign.
Microsoft Pauses Windows Security Updates to AMD Devices
Microsoft has paused issuing security updates to some Windows PCs with AMD chipsets after reports emerged that the updates were leaving the systems unbootable (see Warning: Microsoft Fix Freezes Some PCs With AMD Chips).
On Monday, Microsoft confirmed to Information Security Media Group that it was investigating the reports, which had been documented in long discussion threads on Microsoft's support forum starting on Thursday, that its KB4056892 security update for Windows, designed in part to mitigate the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, was leaving some systems unbootable.
Users vented their frustration over attempting to recover their systems after the failed updates installed, often automatically. "I understand that making...
Hawaii is the Trip of a Lifetime
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DHS Says 246,000 Employees' Personal Details Were Exposed
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is warning that nearly 250,000 federal employees' personal details were exposed in a 2014 breach of the DHS Office of Inspector General's case management system. Also exposed was information, including witness testimony, gathered from DHS employees and nonemployees in the course of investigations.
"You may have been impacted by this privacy incident if you were employed by DHS in 2014, or if you were associated with a DHS OIG investigation from 2002 through 2014," reads a breach notification issued Wednesday by Philip S. Kaplan, DHS's chief privacy officer.
"On May 10, 2017, as part of an ongoing criminal investigation being conducted by DHS OIG and the U.S. Attorney's Office, DHS OIG...